Cut the Crap..

I once read a line somewhere which said “No better Friend, No worst Enemy”

And people in this generation are proving it right with full support. Friendship nowadays got the meaning changed into jealousy, betray, back stab, and a competitor as if. They stand there to show you your problems,  weakness and tell you how worst it can be. 

Better than them are those strangers who while criticizing you arise a strong strength in you to move forward, fight back and prove them that they were wrong. 

Guys simple theory at the end is “just keep moving ahead blocking your ears”. There will be hell lot of people to pull you down wearing a mask of an enemy, stranger or even a friend. Just don’t waste time on them because you have much better things to do than to be boiled by such craps! 

No better Friend, No worst Enemy!

Don’t serve… 

YOU are Beautiful, Brave, Talented.          YOU are Amazing! You have so much better things to do than waiting for someone who doesn’t remember to come back to you. 

Wake up, stand and MOVE ON!  

Erase the memories of the one who never deserved to be there and make the space for someone worth!!! 

Under the ground… 

Drill the wall which stops you… 

Encountering a surface with success,  joy or  sorrow… is not the end,  it’s not where full stop is placed. 

Though a person reaches the point where happiness, sadness, success bangs his face… he should never stop to drill the ground much more deeper. (Because Gold is always found under the ground!) Here what I mean to say is: when a person reaches to the place where he wants to be or let’s say happened to be…. should  always keep moving forward, keeping in mind to make Good of the Worst and Best of the Good. 

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